Today has been a weird day. In fact, last night was weird too I dunno how to explain it but when I went to bed last night, there was a weird vibe going on. Like maybe I went to bed with a bad feeling? Anyway, I woke up this morning about 8 am, and my mom who was staying with me, fell asleep in her recliner last night and woke up this morning saying she couldn’t stand up and was feeling funny and her speech was slurred, so since she was talking funny and couldn’t get up, I called 911, and paramedics came out and took her to the hospital. My mom has suffered a stroke before so we wanted to be safe, so off she went to the heart hospital where I live who specializes in stroke. Well, they ran tests and luckily, it’s not a stroke. She has a UTI and it caused sepsis, so she’s septic. Luckily, it’s not severe and hasn’t done any damage to her organs. She’s still kind of confused and loopy but that’s normal with a UTI and sepsis. So she’ll be in the hospital for 3-4 days to give the antibiotics a chance to work and then she might be going to an inpatient facility for some physical therapy to help make her legs stronger. Hopefully she’ll be home soon!
I’m chillin’ at home tonight, fixing to light up a joint and have some naughty fun on my webcam! I’m waiting for Bobby to show up real quick to get his sleeping pills and when he leaves, I’m gonna toke up and relax, chill, and get frisky on my webcam. It sounds like a good time to me! 😉